Wednesday 16 March 2011
Took the Desert View road on my way to Flagstaff so I could check out more of the Grand Canyon on the way Every scenic pullover had a very basic tin shack with Native American art for sale. The drive to Flagstaff from the Grand Canyon is very pretty, with the changes from desert to pine forests and back to desert, and rock towers interspersed with vast tracts of seemingly barren landscape. There are herds of livestock here and there, and old loading yards and fencing. There are loads of junk piles (old machinery and cars mostly, plus many old caravans) along the way.
I arrived in Flagstaff, Arizona in the evening, so after a quick tour of town i went to Collins Irish Pub for dinner and drinks. The barman Jeff was an informative character and interesting to talk to, as were Keirsten and Lindsay - two young and very politically motivated local girls - and a retired electrician. We talked politics and immigration into the night and compared similarities and differences between Australia and the USA.
I spent the night in the Walmart carpark, where there were lots of trailers and motorhomes. It's good to know that I can always resort to good old Walmart if I'm short of a place to stay on the road!
Thursday 17 March 2011
St Patricks Day. Drove to Sedona (hippy place - lots of Crystals, tarot cards, readings, and - thankfully - proper espresso coffee!) and Jerome (cool mountain town with interesting copper and prostitution history!).
Jerome sights and history
The night was spent drinking (a lot) at various pubs in Flagstaff. I met a few cool local and out-of-town Americans, but no-one to write home about in detail. Sleep in good old Walmart carpark again!
Friday 18 March 2011
Drive to Moab (Utah) and pick up some supplies for Indian Creek. Check out the town, and McDonalds for internet. Camp at Indian Creek, in the Bridger Jack campground in the Beef Basin.
Saturday 19 March 2011
Emil and Mel arrived at Indian Creek late afternoon; I had spent the whole day eating and reading in the van! It was a shitty day weather-wise, blowing a gale all day and sending the dust through the campground. Real desert conditions!
Sunday 20 March 2011
Supercrack Buttress. The business of crack climbing school begins! Over to you Master Emil. Show us how! No Scotty, you're lead FIRST. That's it. No tutorial, no beta to copy. Just take the sharp end and climb buddy. If someone gives you the rope you fucken just climb mate! Ok off we go - 'Incredible Hand Crack' (5.10). What else would you start on? Incredible for sure, but wide hands for skinny-wristed me. Especially the bulge! Roof climbing almost, with a wall at your right side to lean against as you thrutch (the only word for what I was doing, really!) up up and ever up. Didn't fall, so job well done! Onsight 5.10 but barely. And the grade conversion to Ewbanks? Grade 18 WTF!? So hard! Sandbaggers! Got my firswt desert gobie (no tape gloves) on the back of the hand - a nice big raw skinless spot from the sandstone friction. Hairy hand or no hairy hand, tomorrow I tape!
'Incredible Hand Crack' - note the varnish worn off the wall from climber's butts!
Did the 5.9 "Twin Cracks" and found it ok, really only because I didn't have to jamb the feet so much. Then an unknown approx. 5.10 that spat me out and had me hit my head on the wall because I was concentrating on not hitting a sharp fin below. Ouch! We got a bleeder! And where is your helmet Scotty? Um in the van... oops! Next time I'll wear it! But next climb, when I did wear it (next day), I fell backwards and my feet got stuck in the crack! There was some slack in the rope and I pivoted back 180 degrees around my jammed feet and slammed into the wall arse-first! Double ouch! Feels like I got kneed in the buttock on the footy feild like back in school. I need an arse helmet. Emil suggested I should carry a pillow back there.
Next on the list was, of course, "Supercrack" aka "Super crack of the Desert" aka "Luxury Liner". Hands to wide hands splitter for over 100 feet. It was too wide for me halfway up, and I bailed off it for Emil to finish. Of course he styled it, and we were done for the day.
Monday 21 March 2011
Emil suggested I apply toilet paper the the hairy backs of my hands, then tape over it. This way they would be easy to remove. Smart man. So with fresh tape gloves I attacked the cracks with renewed vigor! Sadly the technique was still not quite up to scratch and I flailed about again. Aside from the arse injury, I avoided any other significant mishaps. Learning the Black Diamond Camalot sizes that correspond to good sizes of crack for my hand size to jamb well. 'Green meanies' are rattly fingers and ringlocks, and maybe thin thin hands for Mel; the red #1 cams are thin hands for me; gold #2 - if not tipped out - are slammer hands for me, and the blue #3 size is cupping (horrible for me!). I'm learning to judge the size from the ground and prepare for the size before climbing. I don't want a repeat of Red Rocks where I took the wrong size gear!